Intent DataCloud’s 3x B2B Intent Data Scoring Mechanisms

Part 1: The “Intent Score”

An indication of the level of interest an organization has in any given intent topic(s), based on content consumption types, frequencies, and cross-organizational volume…

  • The standard “Intent Score” can be used to gauge the overall potential for conversions on a single intent topic, and, to allow for the prioritization of accounts.
  • Intent Scores are generated and provided to our customers in a numeric range between 5 and 9 (and anything in between, of course).
  • An Intent Score of 5 is the lowest mark that a company record can receive, showing buyer intent, but at a somewhat minimal level based on our overall scoring criteria.
  • An Intent Score of 9 is the highest mark that a company can receive, and generally speaking, is a valid predictor of those organizations having the most apparent need for a specific product, service or solution.
  • An intent score of 9 also conveys the highest potential for an organization to make purchasing decisions in the short run for their intent topic(s) of interest.
  • In addition to the baseline “Intent Score” metric, our intent data analytics supply two additional layers of insight for each company record to better indicate potential buyer intent.


Part 2: The “Synthesized Intent Score”

A combined or converged type of intent score, calculated by the amount and frequency of related content being consumed by an organization…

  • For example, if a company is researching “Artificial intelligence” (AI) solutions – but also consuming content on other, AI related topics, such as “Machine Learning” and “Robotic Automation” – this could positively impact that company’s “Synthesized Intent Score.”
  • These types of combined or converged intent scores, just like regular Intent Scores, are also assigned a numeric value of either a 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9.
  • Consuming content from related topics can help to increase a record’s (company) Synthesized Intent Score – to where it becomes even more important and valuable to our customers than our standard Intent Score.
  • In looking at the “Artificial Intelligence” example from above… While the Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robotic Automation “Intent Topic” scores may only be rated at a 6 or 7 (out of 9) individually, their Synthesized Intent Score (i.e. combines score) for these three (3) related topics might equate to an 8 or 9 depending on the level of content consumption and interaction.
  • The Synthesized Intent Score is also dependent on the types of content consumed, the frequencies, the channels utilized, and the company’s cross-organizational consumption volume.


Part 3: The “Buying Temperature”

Is scored on a four (4) level, tiered scale – from “Level 1” (the highest level of purchase intent) to “Level 4” (which conversely, demonstrates the lowest level of intent)…

  • Statistically significant “Buying Temperature” scores are available when companies and their associated employees actively express that they have either (1) a current budget in place, and/or (2) a favorable timeframe in place for making a purchasing decision related to the solution represented by the specific intent topic(s) that they are researching.
  • Companies and their employees influence their organizational Buying Temperature levels based on their responses to BANT, SQL, and SRL custom questions – which are aimed to extract more information about how quickly a company is looking to make a purchase decision and/or whether they already have a budget authorized / in place for any given Intent Topic(s).
  • Companies with no budget or foreseeable purchase timeframe (i.e. greater than 12 months into the future) – or – who have simply provided “no data” on their buying timeframe and/or approved budget are automatically scored at “Level 4” – which is of course the lowest Buying Temperature grade.
  • Companies that do have budgets planned and in place – or that have a buying timeframe in the ranges of < 30 days, 1-3 months, 3-6 months, or 6-12 months are assigned Buying Temperature scores that correspond with their standard Intent Scores, and the increased probability of making a purchase decision based on their current approved and/or planned budgets and timelines.
  • Level 1 is the highest Buying Temperature score. To give an example, a Level 1 grade might be representative of a company with an Intent Score of 8 or 9, but who has also indicated that they are ready to make a purchase within the next 30 days and/or have a budget approved and ready to go for the specific intent topics (products, solutions) that they have been researching.


Step 3 – Next we’ll explain the scale that IDC uses to score intent data >>




* Please note that the intent data scoring mechanisms and scoring guidelines represented in this document are based on a combination of internal data records and a proprietary data analytics model. These claims have no direct association with the company(s) and/or account(s) records provided by our B2B intent data platform and/or our B2B intent data company lists or our appended B2B contact data lists. Internal processes and analytics are utilized to identify the appropriate scoring mechanisms and scoring guidelines as outlined above. Projections made about company intent are never in any way “certain” or otherwise guaranteed to be accurate, and they are based solely on our input data and predictive analytics modeling.