Case Study: Dodge Data Harnesses Purchase Intent to Drive Sales Conversions
Learn more about how Dodge is using intent data to gain visibility in the marketplace, optimize their display advertising with personalization, and ultimately drive sales conversions.
Case Study: How Lenovo is Implementing Intent Based Marketing
Real world case study pertaining to how Lenovo is using intent data to:
- Identify their target market and forecast the potential of a market segment before running any campaigns.
- Predict whether a campaign will generate a massive ROI (or not).
- Boost engagement across programmatic display advertising, social media advertising and email.
Case Study: The Swrve Intent Engine (3 Media Case Studies)
Swerve examines why the ability to build relationships directly with customer is not only a huge bonus – but also a requirement. Customers have more choice than ever before and as a result it’s no easy task to win their attention. Doing so requires delivering the kind of personal, meaningful communications that can only really be delivered when you have a clear understanding of the customer.
Aberdeen Report: Demystifying B2B Purchase Intent Data – Understanding The Basics
What is B2B intent data, and how does it work? What are the benefits of using intent data, and what are the different ways in which it is being captured? This Aberdeen report explains it all.
Report: How Intent Data Can Improve Your B2B Marketing
Nowadays, B2B marketers have to overcome numerous challenges in their day-to-day activities. Various technological innovations at their disposal can help them a lot in doing so, but as Single Grain explains, they have also raised the bar.
Report: The Hidden Power of Intent Data: Harnessing What the Human Eye Can’t See
These days “big data” isn’t just a buzzword — it’s an integral part of the sales and marketing narrative. Data is what creates context, meaning and value for PPC advertising campaigns, while enabling marketers to generate metrics that can be measured against monthly, quarterly and annual goals. Thus, every good marketer knows the potential value of big data and its power to help achieve comprehensive business objectives. But only great marketers will know how to break it down to truly take advantage of the vast array of customer insights it offers. And one of the most important types of data for driving sales and marketing insights is intent data.
Oracle Report: Leveraging Intent Data to Drive Conversions
As Oracle explains, leveraging intent data – data that indicates customer likelihood to purchase or be more engaged with your brand – is an important method for driving conversions, but it is often overlooked. The good news is that you most likely have access to plenty of intent data and can use it creatively to build more relevant marketing campaigns.
Marketing Insider Group: Why Intent Data is the Future of B2B Marketing
The success of marketing is heavily reliant on data, but nowadays relying on customer data alone is not enough. This is where intent data comes in. The combination of customer signals and intent data can create a better bird’s eye view to help leverage customer insights to companies advantage.
The Lean Startup: Intent Data Allows You to Identify Actionable Metrics, Avoid Vanity Metrics
In his New York Times Best Seller (The Lean Startup), Eric Ries explains that in the digital marketing world, performance tends to be judged by the “cost-per.” Whether it’s cost per lead (CPL), cost per acquisition (CPA), or cost per click (CPC), the goal is the same: lowering the cost of converting a person into a paying or potential paying customer. To lower your cost-per, you need an actionable metric, and the most effective actionable metric is purchase intent.
Report: Using Buyer Intent Data to Leverage Your Marketing Strategy
It seems incredible that – in 2019 – more companies aren’t using intent data to drive their sales and marketing initiatives. The fact that so few ever dig that deep to uncover the best possible leads puts you and your company at a decided advantage. This Matrix Marketing Group report examines the following:
- What Intent data is and how it is sourced
- How intent data works
- Alignment and collaboration between marketing and sales
- Competitive advantages
- Leveraging strategies